Fire protection
- Experts on Preventive Fire Protection (EIPOS) Reg 1293_SA_03_2006
- Experts on Preventive Fire Protection (EIPOS) Reg 1293_SA_14_2006
- Expert on preventive fire protection (EIPOS) Reg 1294_18_2012
- Authorised to give proof for fire protection Architectural Association Saxony-Anhalt No. 26-06-NB
- Authorised to give proof fire protection architectural association Saxony-Anhalt No. 80-14-NB
- Planners for building services fire protection (EIPOS)
- Fire Prevention Officer in accordance with education policy of the working group „Fire Protection“
of professional associations and the vfdb Directive 12-09 / 01
- Certificate of authorisation as raiser / professional according to DIBt and DIN 14677 for fixed systems according to the company
HEKATRON (competent person for fixed systems)
Required building documentation
- Required building documentation authorised Chamber of Engineers Saxony No. 56840
- Required building documentation authorised Chamber of Engineers Saxony No. 57001
- Required building documentation authorised Chamber of Engineers Saxony- Anhalt No. 2400
Structural engineering
- Qualified Structural Engineer Saxony no. 61282
- Authorised to give proof for structural safety Saxony-Anhalt No. 2400
Energy Consultant
- Registered exhibitors for energy reports DENA Nr. 41130
- Experts for damage to buildings TÜV certificate L 02/013969 TUV Academy South
- Association of Consulting Engineers (VBI) No. 5110178
- Voluntary member of the Chamber of Engineers Saxony no. 32339